

Tonalá, Jalisco

Famous for the Mexican tableware that we use to make beans, serve pozole or the small jugs that we use to drink tequila. Using clay in cooking gives a very particular flavor to dishes that belong to Mexican cuisine. The Valdivia Family has been making clay for 5 generations.

Although it has become common for Mexicans to see the technique, its process is laborious and particular. They begin by mixing different clays that they select, clean and stir with their feet to create their particular paste. With this paste they make a kind of clay “tortilla” from which they start to make all the pieces on a wheel or with a “mushroom” mold depending on the shape. The edges are polished and cleaned by hand and the piece is left in the sun until it is dry. It is bathed in a red clay slip, which gives it the reddish tone seen in the pieces, and it is placed in the wood oven at a low temperature, usually at night so that it is ready in the morning.

After 3.5 hours, it comes out of the kiln, is usually decorated with white and given a dip in the glaze. Finally, it is put into the gas oven where it will last 4 and a half hours at a low temperature to give it the finish that will allow it to be utilitarian and resistant clay, free of lead.


Tableware, Pots, Pots, Tequileros, Mugs, Bowls, among other things.


  • It is recommended that the decoration only be white or without decoration.
  • Different shapes and sizes, special pieces, can be made, but first the mold must be developed.
  • We can customize with logos with a special label so that the logo is precise, it is recommended that the color be white.


  • The clay is low temperature, it cannot be used in the microwave.
  • It is recommended to season the pots to be able to use them for much longer.
  • It is recommended that when washing dishes, dry well before storing or putting away.
  • It can be used directly on fire


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