Ocoxal weaving
El Arenal, Jalisco

OCOXAL WEAVING El Arenal, Jalisco The ocoxal fabric or pine fabric is a very sustainable fabric that is made by Mrs. Marina on the edge

Crin weaving
Cajititlán, Jalisco

CRIN WEAVING Cajititlán, Jalisco Horse hair is one of the crafts with the greatest degree of difficulty and time to prepare and also with one

Guerrero Palma
Chilapa, Guerrero

GUERRERO PALMA Chilapa, Guerrero In Guerrero you could breathe and live the palm everywhere around. Virgilio’s family lives in Chilapa, capital of palm weaving. The

Mixteca Palma
Región Mixteca, Oaxaca

MIXTECA PALMA Región Mixteca, Oaxaca. The Mixteca Region mainly covers the northwest part of the state of Oaxaca and part of the states of Guerrero


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